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25 September, 2023

Maximising ROI Tracking for PR and Communications: Insights for CMOs and CCOs

Public relations (PR) and communications hold significant influence in shaping brand reputation and engaging target audiences. In today’s data-driven landscape, measuring the return on investment (ROI) for PR and earned media initiatives has become a priority.

This guide explores strategies and key performance indicators (KPIs) for effective ROI measurement and offers insightful takeaways for Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) and Chief Communications Officers (CCOs).

Almost 7% of brands don’t measure marketing effectiveness (Marketing Week, 2022)

Clear Definition of Goals:


The foundation of any successful PR and communications campaign lies in having crystal-clear, measurable objectives. These objectives serve as the guide which directs the efforts and resources of the entire team. Whether the primary goal is to boost brand visibility, enhance customer trust, drive web traffic, or increase sales, having well-defined objectives is the critical first step in the journey toward effective ROI measurement.


  • As a CMO, your role in defining these objectives is pivotal. You must ensure that the goals set for PR and communications align seamlessly with the broader business objectives of the brand. This alignment not only ensures that the efforts of the PR team are in sync with the company’s mission but also makes ROI assessments much more meaningful. When PR and communications goals are quantifiable and tied to business outcomes, you can clearly demonstrate how these efforts contribute to the bottom line.
  • CCOs, however, play a crucial role in ensuring that these objectives are not just lofty aspirations but are also achievable. You need to bridge the gap between the overarching business goals and the practical capabilities of your PR and communications team. Additionally, by making sure these objectives are measurable, you enable the team to track progress and adapt strategies as needed. This adaptability is key to optimising ROI because it allows you to refine your approach based on real-time data and market trends.

Joint Approach:

In both cases, a collaborative approach between CMOs and CCOs is essential. By working together closely, you can set objectives that not only align with the company’s strategic vision but are also realistic and data driven. This collaboration ensures that PR strategies are not siloed from broader marketing and business strategies but are an integral part of achieving tangible results. Ultimately, this approach leads to more effective campaigns, better resource allocation, and a stronger demonstration of PR’s impact on the brand’s success.

Quantifying Media Impressions:


Media impressions, which represent the number of times content is exposed to the target audience, serve as an essential initial metric for assessing the reach of PR efforts. However, it’s imperative to recognise that impressions are merely the starting point in evaluating the effectiveness of a PR campaign, not the defining success goal.


  • As a CMO, you should highlight the significance of tracking media impressions to your brand. Impressions provide valuable insight into the potential reach of your PR campaign, which can be particularly important for brand visibility and awareness. However, it’s essential to communicate to your team that impressions alone don’t paint the full picture. Encourage a holistic approach to ROI measurement that goes beyond impressions and delves into more actionable KPIs like website traffic, lead generation, and conversion rates. By doing so, you ensure that the PR team focuses on outcomes that directly contribute to the company’s growth and profitability.
  • CCOs play a pivotal role in translating the value of media impressions to the brand. While tracking impressions is a fundamental aspect of PR, it’s equally important to manage expectations and convey that impressions are just the beginning. Collaborate closely with the CMO to define clear objectives that align with business goals and emphasise the need to measure the deeper impact of PR efforts. This means exploring additional metrics like sentiment analysis, which provides insights into how audiences perceive the brand, and assessing the influence of PR on driving website traffic, customer engagement, and ultimately, conversions. By doing so, you help the brand understand that PR is not just about getting noticed but about creating tangible business outcomes.

Collaborative Strategy:

In both cases, collaboration between CMOs and CCOs is key. By working together, you can ensure that the focus on media impressions is balanced with a broader perspective on ROI. Impressions serve as a useful benchmark for the initial reach of a campaign, but the true value of PR lies in its ability to create positive brand perception, drive customer actions, and contribute to the bottom line. This collaborative approach leads to a more comprehensive and insightful evaluation of PR efforts and their impact on the brand’s overall success.

Monitoring Media Mentions and Sentiment Analysis:


In the world of PR and communications, tracking media mentions and utilising sentiment analysis is a powerful strategy. These data points help assess not only the frequency of your brand’s appearance in the media but also the tone and context of those mentions. Positive sentiment and a consistent brand narrative across various media outlets are robust indicators of PR success.


  • As a CMO, recognising the importance of media mentions and sentiment analysis is critical. Analysis tools provide insights beyond mere brand exposure; they offer a qualitative assessment of how your brand is perceived in the media landscape. By emphasising the role of sentiment analysis, you ensure that PR initiatives are aligned with the desired brand perception and brand messaging. This alignment is crucial for maintaining brand integrity and consistency, which in turn fosters trust and loyalty among consumers. Additionally, it allows you to detect and address any negative sentiment promptly, mitigating potential reputation issues.
  • CCOs are instrumental in implementing sentiment analysis effectively. You should emphasise the value of sentiment analysis in translating media mentions into actionable insights. Regularly monitoring the tone and context in which your brand is portrayed in the media helps you fine-tune PR strategies and messaging. It enables you to adapt quickly to changing perceptions and ensure that PR efforts consistently convey the intended brand narrative. Collaborating with the CMO to align PR initiatives with the desired brand perception ensures a cohesive and impactful communications strategy.

Shared Alignment:

Both CMOs and CCOs should work closely to ensure that sentiment analysis is integrated into the PR and communications strategy effectively. This collaboration enables a comprehensive understanding of how PR efforts impact brand reputation and how they can be adjusted to maintain a positive brand image. By leveraging sentiment analysis tools, CMOs and CCOs strengthen their ability to drive PR initiatives that resonate with audiences, protect brand reputation, and ultimately contribute to achieving overarching business goals.

Website Traffic and Referral Sources:


Beyond media exposure and sentiment analysis, analysing website traffic and referral sources is a crucial aspect of measuring the impact of PR campaigns. This approach provides valuable insights into how media campaigns influence the behaviour of your online target audience. Notably, observing spikes in website visits following PR campaigns or media coverage can directly indicate the effectiveness of those efforts.


  • Understanding the connection between PR campaigns and website traffic is vital for CMOs. Encourage your team to view the website as a ‘central hub’ where the conversion journey often begins. Spikes in web traffic that can be attributed to specific PR activities demonstrate the real-world impact of these campaigns. This insight enables you to gauge how well PR efforts are driving potential customers into the sales funnel. Furthermore, it allows you to allocate resources more efficiently by focusing on PR strategies that deliver tangible results. Collaboration with CCOs is crucial to ensure that website analytics are aligned with PR efforts and overall marketing strategies.
  • CCOs play a significant role in facilitating the alignment between PR activities and website traffic. By tracking website visits and understanding the referral sources, you can pinpoint which PR initiatives are driving the most traffic and engagement. This information allows you to refine PR strategies and messaging to better resonate with your online audience. Collaborating with the CMO ensures that website analytics are used as a performance indicator for PR campaigns, and it aids in demonstrating the concrete impact of communications efforts on the company’s online presence.

Common Attribution:

Both CMOs and CCOs should join forces closely to ensure that website traffic and referral source analysis are seamlessly integrated into PR and communications strategies. This collaborative approach enables a more precise attribution of specific PR activities to desired conversion metrics, such as lead generation, product inquiries, or sales. It also ensures that the website serves as a valuable asset in tracking the effectiveness of PR campaigns, ultimately leading to more targeted and impactful PR efforts that contribute to overall business success.

Social Media Engagement:


Social media platforms are powerful amplifiers of PR messages, making them pivotal channels for engagement. Monitoring key metrics like likes, shares and comments provides a clear gauge of how PR content resonates with your target audience. Additionally, tracking follower growth and employing sentiment analysis can further improve the understanding of brand perception.


  • Recognising the dynamic role of social media in PR is essential for CMOs. Social platforms offer a direct line of communication with the audience and amplify the reach of PR efforts. By emphasising the importance of monitoring engagement metrics, you encourage your team to view social media not just as a promotional tool but as a barometer of audience sentiment. Likes, shares and comments indicate the level of engagement and the impact of PR content. Tracking follower growth and sentiment analysis help assess how the brand is perceived within the social setting. Social media data can guide adjustments to PR strategies and messaging to maximise their effect on brand reputation and, ultimately, business objectives.
  • Chief Communications Officers play a pivotal role in harnessing the power of social media for PR impact. Monitoring social media engagement metrics allows you to gauge the resonance of PR content with the target audience. It also helps in identifying trends, popular topics, and potential areas for improvement. Follower growth is an indicator of the brand’s social media presence and reach. Coupled with sentiment analysis, it provides valuable insights into brand perception. Collaborating closely with the CMO ensures that social media is integrated into the broader PR strategy and that engagement metrics are aligned with business objectives. This collaborative approach enables real-time adjustments to PR campaigns, ensuring they remain relevant and effective.

Mutual Social Strategy:

Both CMOs and CCOs should work hand in hand to leverage the dynamic nature of social media for PR impact. By continually monitoring engagement metrics and conducting sentiment analysis, you create a feedback loop that informs PR strategies. This iterative approach enables the refinement of PR content and messaging, ensuring that it resonates with the target audience and positively influences brand perception. Social media becomes not only a tool for PR distribution but also a valuable source of insights to drive strategic decisions and maintain brand relevance in the digital age.


In summary, effective PR and communications tracking requires collaboration between CMOs and CCOs. Setting clear, measurable objectives aligned with business goals is essential. Beyond media impressions, focusing on metrics like website traffic and conversions provides a holistic view. Monitoring media mentions and sentiment shapes brand perception. Utilising social media engagement metrics refines strategies. Quantifying earned media value justifies PR investments. This data-driven approach enhances overall PR impact and aligns it with business success.

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